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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Stefan von Braun: AToW Character Creation [Stage 0]

So, we have a name and very rough concept of our character, it is time to actually make the character. AToW uses a base of 5000xp to build characters, assuming a character is 21 at the end of the creation process. However for every year above 21, (or younger) add (or subtract) 100xp. But more on that later. Time to actually start spending points in Stage 0.

Every character, no matter origins has universal fixed Experience Points (AToW p.52). These reflect, well, universal experiences. This package costs 850 XP, and gives the character 100 xp to each Attribute, 20xp to the affiliation's primary language skill, 20 XP to Language/English, and 10xp to the Perception skill.

The other part of Stage 0 is the actual affiliation of the character. As I decided that Stefan was already from the Lyran Commonwealth, I need to locate the module cost for the LC. Affiliations begin on page 54 of AToW rulebook. Locating the Lyran Alliance (Commonwealth) Affiliation, I find it costs 150xp to purchase the module.

Each Affiliation also has a series of sub-Affiliations, indicating variations of the overall culture. I have decided that Stefan is from the world of Sudeten, which is located in the Tamar Pact. However, the Tamar Pact is not in the AToW rulebook, but is located in Era Reports:3052 (pg 158). Looking at all the Affiliation modules, you will see the awards granted to the character's Attributes, Traits, and Skills.

As you go through the modules, some will add to elements, some will subtract. Doing simple adding and subtracting will eventually get you a net result. Keep in mind, that all Attributes start at 100xp. So at the end of Stage 0, Stefan looks like.

Stefan von Braun.
Affiliation: Lyran Commonwealth (Tamar Pact)

Str 100
Bod 100
Ref 100
Dex 100
Int 100
Wil 125
Cha 100
Edge 100

Compulsion/Hates Draconis Combine-50
Compulsion/Pro-Steiner -25
Equipped +100
Extra Income +50
Glass Jaw -100
Wealth +100

Appraisal +10
Language/English +30
Language/German +20
Negotiation +15
Protocol/FedSuns +15
Protocol/Lyran +15
Small Arms +10
Survival/Arctic +10

Stefan has spent 1000xp/5000xp

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