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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stefan von Braun: AToW Character Creation [Stage 1]

With Stage 0 complete, it is time to continue on to Stage 1: Early Childhood. Stage 1 represents the character's birth, until about ten years of age. I have decided that Stefan's father is an executive at Trellshire Heavy Industries Sudeten facilities. This means that Stefan was fairly well off growing up, so the module needs to reflect this. Reading through the modules, we come across White Collar. Sounds good.

The White Collar module costs 170xp to purchase. We also find that there are prerequisites. Prerequisites mean that at the end of character creation, that element, (usually an Attribute and/or Trait) must be at least that level. For White Collar, there is a prerequisite total of 3 for in Wealth and/or Property Traits.

White Collar also allows the player to give the character +5 points to any three skills, Attributes, or Traits. So Stefan will add +5 to Language/German, Small Arms, and Survival/Arctic (Representing Boy Scout type activities).

At the end of Stage 1, Stefan now looks like this.

Stefan von Braun.
Affiliation: Lyran Commonwealth (Tamar Pact)

Stage 1: White Collar

Str 50
Bod 50
Ref 100
Dex 100
Int 175
Wil 75
Cha 100
Edge 100

Compulsion/Hates Draconis Combine-50
Compulsion/Pro-Steiner -25
Enemy -100
Equipped +175
Extra Income +100
Glass Jaw -150
Reputation +50
[3]Wealth +200

Appraisal +10
Art/Painting +10
Interest/CCG +10
Language/English +30
Language/German +30
Negotiation +15
Protocol/FedSuns +15
Protocol/Lyran +20
Small Arms +15
Survival/Arctic +15

Stefan has spent 1170xp/5000xp

Any numbers to the left of an Attribute or Trait represents a prerequisite and its level.

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